Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ascension Thursday

Today is the feast of the Ascension of Christ. The Christian church celebrates the return of Christ to heaven  after having risen from the dead and hanging out with the disciples for 40 days.

I started by getting together with my uncle and his friend. We walked about 2.5 miles through the hills with vineyards and fruit trees all around us. We arrived at the wine cellar and manufacturer for the region. There the local Catholic Priest and Lutheran Priest teamed up for an ecumenical service in the building where the grapes for wine are pressed at harvest.

About 300 people gathered between the bins that harvested grapes are delivered in and the altar.

Yes the altar is set on top of wine barrels and in the distance is a 20 piece youth orchestra providing music.
The preaching was shared. My favorite bit was the part where one of the preachers told us to stop looking toward heaven to receive what we want and to focus on what our work is right in front of us.

After the service we went just outside where a fest was set up. A wurst and glass of wine and a long conversation with new friends was a wonderful way to celebrate this feast.

The Fest  

Then we walked back through the fields  - stopping to pose occasionally.

My uncle, Sigfried, and his friend, Ingrid.  We are posing by an interesting modern take on the figure of Bacchus.

On many corners of fields are various memorials, artworks, and benches. This altar and cross are just out in a field with two long benches nearby. It serves as both memorial and holy space for worship.

A blooming apple tree speaks to the abundance we are blessed with.

Then I met with a former student who is my entrance to the University Archaeology department. Keith is currently studying there.

Dinner at Ingrid's house is always wonderful, but check out her stained glass window:

Elizabeth of Hungary
So very cool.

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